Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Other training near Atlanta

There are two inexpensive conferences being held “close” to the Atlanta area.  They appear to be extended code camps (2 to 3 days) with slightly broader topics but many of the same speakers.  Both appear to have some good sessions:

Monday, May 21, 2012

Atlanta Code Camp

I enjoyed the Carolina code camp so much I decided to attend Atlanta’s version 2 weeks later (May 19th).  This was my first time attending Atlanta’s code camp and I had another good day of sessions.  Glen Gordon gave a nice overview of Windows 8 HTML5 development and I learned what SignalR is all about (and that it doesn’t seem quite ready for prime time yet). Comparing the 2 code camps I would say that Carolina’s is a step above – maybe because the sessions offered this year in Carolina more aligned with my current interest. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Carolina Code Camp '12

I missed it in ’11 but returned to Mathews, NC on Saturday May 5th for their annual Carolina code camp.  I had another great experience meeting fellow developers and catching up on some of the latest technology and practices.  I focused entirely on web and client s sessions that covered MCV 4, HTML 5, CSS3, single page applications using knockout and upshot.  The organizers of this code camp do a great job and highly recommend attending next year if you are in the area…or want to make a geek weekend out of it…5 hour drive from Atlanta allowed me to catch up on my backlog of .net rocks, java posse and other podcasts.