Thursday, October 28, 2010

Windows 7 64-Bit and Eclipse Issue

This week I ran into issues setting up a java development environment on Windows 7 64-bit. I attempted to use my company’s image which includes: 1) 32-bit JDK 2) Eclipse Galileo (32 bit) 3) Subcliplse plugin 4) The Maven plugin, m2eclipse.

Everything seemed to be going well until I tried to install the plugins…and received “An error occurred while uninstalling”. I dorked around for a bit trying to get it to work but was unsuccessful.

Realizing my OS was different (Windows 7 64-bit), I started over and went full blown 64-bit:

  1. Install JDK 6 for Windows 64 bit (
  2. Install Eclipse IDE for Jave EE Developers – Windows 64 bit (
  3. Within Ecliplse install the m2Eclipse plugin (
  4. Within Ecliplse install the Subclipse plugin (
  5. Within Ecliplse install Maven Extras ( to integrate with SVN in eclipse.
  6. Install the 64-bit version of SlikSvn ( Subclipse doesn’t natively support a 64-bit version of JavaHL so a separate install is needed.

With these alternate downloads things so far are working great!