Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Free 2-day Windows 8 Developer camp

Microsoft is holding free Windows 8 Developer Camp and Hackathon in many cities across the US.  Sign up for the Atlanta event on August 3rd – 4th  by clicking here.  Sign up while there are still slots available.

To get notified of events in your area sign up for Microsoft’s MSDN Flash Newsletter

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Other training near Atlanta

There are two inexpensive conferences being held “close” to the Atlanta area.  They appear to be extended code camps (2 to 3 days) with slightly broader topics but many of the same speakers.  Both appear to have some good sessions:

Monday, May 21, 2012

Atlanta Code Camp

I enjoyed the Carolina code camp so much I decided to attend Atlanta’s version 2 weeks later (May 19th).  This was my first time attending Atlanta’s code camp and I had another good day of sessions.  Glen Gordon gave a nice overview of Windows 8 HTML5 development and I learned what SignalR is all about (and that it doesn’t seem quite ready for prime time yet). Comparing the 2 code camps I would say that Carolina’s is a step above – maybe because the sessions offered this year in Carolina more aligned with my current interest. 

Monday, May 7, 2012

Carolina Code Camp '12

I missed it in ’11 but returned to Mathews, NC on Saturday May 5th for their annual Carolina code camp.  I had another great experience meeting fellow developers and catching up on some of the latest technology and practices.  I focused entirely on web and client s sessions that covered MCV 4, HTML 5, CSS3, single page applications using knockout and upshot.  The organizers of this code camp do a great job and highly recommend attending next year if you are in the area…or want to make a geek weekend out of it…5 hour drive from Atlanta allowed me to catch up on my backlog of .net rocks, java posse and other podcasts.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Net Helpmsg

So apparently Net Helpmsg this has been around for a while but I just discovered it today. I was trying to track down the cause of a build error which included in the stack "exited with code 5".

Net HelpMsg is a utility that provides the error message description when you provide an error code:

A couple of links for more details (if more is needed):

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Free Programming Windows Phone 7 Book

Veteran's Day today – Thank you to all who have served to protect us.

Charles Petzold has releases a free e-book: Programming Windows Phone 7. I have barely opened the book so far but I am having flashbacks to my first Windows 3.1 programming experience and clinging to his Programming Windows 3.1 book for survival…I'm tempted to dig through the boxes in my basement to find my copy and reread it's the hello world example!

You can find it at his site: http://www.charlespetzold.com/phone/index.html or from Microsoft

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Windows 7 64-Bit and Eclipse Issue

This week I ran into issues setting up a java development environment on Windows 7 64-bit. I attempted to use my company’s image which includes: 1) 32-bit JDK 2) Eclipse Galileo (32 bit) 3) Subcliplse plugin 4) The Maven plugin, m2eclipse.

Everything seemed to be going well until I tried to install the plugins…and received “An error occurred while uninstalling”. I dorked around for a bit trying to get it to work but was unsuccessful.

Realizing my OS was different (Windows 7 64-bit), I started over and went full blown 64-bit:

  1. Install JDK 6 for Windows 64 bit (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html)
  2. Install Eclipse IDE for Jave EE Developers – Windows 64 bit (http://www.eclipse.org/downloads/)
  3. Within Ecliplse install the m2Eclipse plugin (http://m2eclipse.sonatype.org/sites/m2e)
  4. Within Ecliplse install the Subclipse plugin (http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.6.x)
  5. Within Ecliplse install Maven Extras (http://m2eclipse.sonatype.org/sites/m2e-extras) to integrate with SVN in eclipse.
  6. Install the 64-bit version of SlikSvn (http://www.sliksvn.com/en/download): Subclipse doesn’t natively support a 64-bit version of JavaHL so a separate install is needed.

With these alternate downloads things so far are working great!